Annual DEBVBD Research Symposium May 18th, 2023
Please join us for the DEBVBD Annual Symposium for 2023! We look forward to seeing everyone in person on May 18th at 170 Schalm Hall in the School of Veterinary Medicine. This year we have two excellent speakers (Dr. Kerry Mauck and Dr. Kathryn Hanley) joining us to give talks on state-of-the-art topics in medical and agricultural vector biology. We look forward to seeing you there!
We request those planning on staying for dinner RSVP. Please sign up via the following link -
Download the Flyer from Here - Flyer DEBVBD Symposium 2023_0.pdf
Lectures will be streamed via Zoom - Meeting ID: 979 8545 5425 Passcode: 246222
2:45-3:00 PM: Poster Setup and Check-in
3:00-3:15 PM: Welcome
3:15-4:00 PM: Professor Kerry Mauck, "Introduced, crop-associated viruses negatively affect native perennial hosts and are prevalent in preserved plant communities"
4:00-4:45 PM: Professor Kathryn Hanley, "Who's Flying this Thing? Investigations of Emerging Arthropod-Borne Viruses"
5:00-6:00 PM: Poster Session and Happy Hour
6:00-7:30 PM: Dinner
Annual DEBVBD Research Symposium May 9, 2022
After a two-year Covid mandated hiatus, please join us in celebrating the return of the Annual DEBVBD Research Symposium! We look forward to seeing everyone in person on May 9th at the Buehler Alumni Center. This year we have two excellent speakers (Dr. Monika Gulia Nuss and Dr. George Kennedy) who will be joining us to give talks on state-of-the-art topics in medical and agricultural vector biology. We look forward to seeing you there!
We request those planning on staying for dinner RSVP. Please sign up via the following link -

12:30-1:30 PM: Lunch with students and postdocs - Gunrock Cafe
2:45-3:00 PM: Poster Setup and Check-in
3:00-3:15 PM: Welcome
3:15-4:00 PM: Dr. Monika Gulia-Nuss, "Understanding Ticks: From Molecular to Population Levels"
4:00-4:45 PM: Dr. George Kennedy, "Toward Understanding Whitefly Transmission of Co-Infections Involving Bipartite Begomoviruses in Cassava"
5:00-6:00 PM: Poster Session and Happy Hour
6:00-7:30 PM: Dinner
Annual DEBVBD Research Symposium May 9, 2019
- 9:00-11:30 am: One-on-one faculty meetings with Dr. Lindow and Dr. Rasgon
- 12:00-1:00 pm: Lunch with students and postdocs, 175 Hutchison Hall
- 1:00-3:00 pm: One-on-one faculty meetings with Dr. Lindow and Dr. Rasgon
- 3:15 pm: Dr. Steve Lindow, "Detailed studies of vectorborne plant pathogens can lead to novel means of disease control: the case of Xylella fastidiosa in grape and citrus"
- 4:05 pm: Graduate Student Poster Session and social networking time
- 5:15 pm: Dr. Jason Rasgon, "Endosymbiotic control of mosquito-borne viruses: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"
- 6:05 pm: Catered dinner at the Alumni Center
*Presentation of a poster and attendance at the keynote are required for all students in the DEBVBD.
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Annual DEBVBD Research Symposium May 3, 2018
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Spring Research Symposium May 2, 2017

This event will be for our students and affiliates, which is sponsored by generous support from the UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Our keynote speaker is Dr. Felicia Keesing from Bard College. Her presentation is titled âThe Ecology of Pathogen Amplification: A Case Study of Three Tick-Borne Pathogens.â Dr. Keesing serves as the David and Rosalie Rose Distinguished Professor of Science, Mathematics, and Computing at Bard College. She is a community ecologist whose work has spanned from studies of African savanna function when losing large megafauna, to interactions among species influencing human disease risk, and how species diversity affects pathogen transmission. Schedule:
- 9:00-11:30 am: One-on-one faculty meetings with Dr. Keesing
- 12:00-1:00 pm: Lunch with students and postdocs, 357 Hutchison Hall
- 1:00-3:00 pm: One-on-one faculty meetings with Dr. Keesing
- 3:30 pm: Dr. Keesing will present keynote address at Odd Fellows Lodge in downtown Davis.
- 4:30-6:30 pm: Student poster session and social networking time (Dr. Keesing will help to judge this required event for our DEBVBD students!)
- 6:30-8:30 pm: Catered dinner at the lodge
*Presentation of a poster and attendance at the keynote are required for all students in the DEBVBD. *Please contact Janet Foley,, if you have questions about your poster. RSVPs will be requested in early April. If you wish to have your name added to our mailing list for this event please contact coordinator Jessica Padilla, All DEBVBD students and affiliated faculty will already be on the list.
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Jessica Franco: DEBVBD Graduate Student Travel Award

Jessica Franco, a fourth year graduate student in Dr. Gitta Coakerâs lab, will be attending the International Research Conference on Huanglongbing (HLB) in Orlando, FL with support from the DEBVBD Graduate Student Travel Award. HLB is a devastating bacterial disease of citrus vectored by the Asian citrus psyllid. HLB researchers and citrus growers will attend the meeting and discuss concerns, methods, and findings to improve pathogen detection, vector control and disease resistance. Jessica will give an oral presentation focusing on her research on HLB. Â Jessica has sampled a large number of Navels in both greenhouse and field experiments to identify dynamically changing citrus proteins in response to infection. She has identified secreted citrus proteases that are upregulated during infection. She has performed activity profiling and identified a subclass of these proteases whose activity may be inhibited by the HLB pathogen. This work has the potential to significantly enhance our understanding of how this pathogen manipulates citrus to cause HLB.